luni, 22 aprilie 2019

Vulpite din lemn, cioplite in diferite forme si marimi

Vulpi din lemn.... (wooden foxes)
Cine ar fi crezut ca poti iubi si gainile si inamicii lor in acelasi timp?

Poate vulpile mele din lemn vor sa incerce veganismul, desi nu prea stiu cum vor imparti o singura ghinda in 7!!!

Si normal ar fi sa mai apara si alte vulpi! Sa cioplesc eu mai multe vulpi din lemn adica.

Ideea este sa facem niste coliere cam ca cel de mai jos: 

Este un colier cu pietre semipretioase plus o vulpe din lemn de cires, realizat de o doamna incantatoare din Mexic. E cea mai draguta si talentata creatoare de bijuterii pe care am intalnit-o vreodata, o cheama Carla Sánchez si o gasiti pe facebook daca va intereseaza, la adresa de mai jos:

S-ar putea sa fiu si eu cam subiectiva, dar cred ca e cu adevarat, super de treaba si are niste idei minunate.

Sper sa va placa ;)

English version:
Wooden foxes
Who would have thought you could love their hens and enemies at the same time?
Maybe my wood foxes want to try veganism, although I do not know how they will share a single acorn in 7 !!!
And it would be normal for other foxes! I'm going to crack more wood foxes, that is.
The idea is to make some collars like the one below:
It's a semiprecious stones necklace plus a cherry wood fox, made by a delightful lady in Mexico. She is the most beautiful and talented jewelry maker I've ever met, Carla Sánchez is calling her and you can find her on facebook if you're interested, at the address below:
I may be quite subjective, but I think she's really, really cool and has some great ideas.
I hope you enjoy ;)

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